The magic turtle
Abdominal acupuncture developed by Prof. Zhiyun Bo is a gentle and proven method. Because of the shape in which the entire body is mapped on the abdomen, it is also referred to as “turtle acupuncture”. The turtle is a symbol of long life.
Our intestines have more nerve cells than the brain and is therefore often referred to as the “second brain”.
One of the advantages of this acupuncture method is that it is very painless and gentle and is therefore very suitable for weak and pain-sensitive patients.
During the course, this specific acupuncture technique and the localization of the points on the abdomen are taught with a lot of practical work. The participants learn the meaning and direct connections of the acupuncture points and after two days are able to use the abdominal acupuncture directly on the patient.
The magic turtle
Pia Columberg (FR)EN [DE]