Eine Veranstaltung des Fachverbands für Chinesische Medizin
55. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2024
55. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2024
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European School Leader's Day | ETCMA Event EN

European Accreditation Commission and Practitioner Certification – a new pathway for schools and practitioners

Donnerstag, 09.05.2024
    Roter Salon - Wildbad
    • Alle Erfahrungsstufen

    European Accreditation Commission and Practitioner Certification – a new pathway for schools and practitioners

    We are delighted to have an in-person event after having online events for the past few years due to Covid. This year the event will take place from 3pm – 6pm and there will be no charge to attend this event for this year only.

    The speakers for this year’s ESLD will include Mina Larsson from the NCCAOM in America and other members from the Education Task Force Team.
    The afternoon will provide delegates with opportunities to:
    • Learn about the European Accreditation Commission
    • Overview of the NCCAOM pathway to certification
    • Discussions with Colleagues from other Schools and professional Bodies

    The afternoon will include plenty of discussion and practical time to explore the challenges and opportunities for schools and professional bodies alike. We would like to extend this invitation to any Acupuncture /TCM School in Europe and representatives from the ETCMA member organizations with a remit in Education.

    If you would like to attend the School Leaders Day, please confirm your attendance with Benjamin Saez at esld@etcma.org. The ESLD will be held in the Wildbad at the TCM congress Rothenburg.


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