Tongue, ear and face
Scalp Acupuncture is an independent treatment concept for a complete acupuncture treatment. In this course, we will show you how to use the Du meridian to treat the Du meridian, and the Du meridian to treat the REN meridian. Dr Han will also be explaining the concept of scalp acupuncture to treat the whole body.
In the afternoon Dr Han will integrate face reading along with tongue diagnosis as key diagnostic tools in Chinese Medicine. Dr. Han will discuss how particular features on the face can reveal pathological changes in the organ systems before any symptoms are even present. She will discuss how she uses tongue and face reading daily in her clinic to diagnose and prevent illness. Various physical and mental attributes will be covered. Most importantly, she will relate her findings to meridian theory and discuss how to choose the appropriate treatment method.
Here you will find a short video message and course description from the lecturer: