Eine Veranstaltung des Fachverbands für Chinesische Medizin
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
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The Earthly Branch Hai EN

Unveiling the mystique of San Jiao

Freitag, 30.05.2025
09:00-12:00, 14:30-17:30
    • Akupunktur
    • Klassiker/Philosophie
    • Diagnostik
    • Alle Erfahrungsstufen

    In this seminar, we study the Earthly Branch Hai 亥, the prototypical character and blueprint of the San Jiao (triple burner, or triple energizer, or triple heater).

    Topics covered in this seminar are:
    - San Jiao is described very differently in the Ling Shu than in the Nan Jing. What do we gain from this in practice?
    - The importance of the San Jiao for a peaceful heart.
    - Point energetics of the San Jiao channel.
    - Ren Mai point descriptions as performers of the deep function of the San Jiao.
    - the Internal Duct of the San Jiao in the abdominal area.

    The earthly branch Hai 亥, San Jiao, is androgynous, something that has both female and male traits; it is a fusion of yin and yang. In this sense, it is a reflection of the original oneness, the state where yin and yang are not yet separated. The multitude of things that are created by the separation of yin and yang all together constitute and represent the original oneness. The initiating and nurturing powers of the earthly branch Hai, San Jiao, are connected to and involved in everything that exists to ensure togetherness.
    In practice, this means that San Jiao is responsible for wholeness of the body and mind through its joining with the original oneness in the essence. Any health issue breaks up the wholeness, which means that the treatment is
    incomplete if the San Jiao has not been treated at least once.
    The mystical root of the San Jiao lies deeply hidden in the relationship with the yuan qi. It is the generator, catalyst and governor of all qi and xuè and has the freedom to interact with all forms of qi and xuè such as ying qi, wei qi, blood, fluids and the five tastes.
    The relationship with all and everything cannot be explained by the course of the San Jiao channel alone. The realization of the deep function of the San Jiao can be addressed through the use of acupuncture points on the Ren Mai. These points facilitate the heavenly distribution of qi.


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    • Akupunktur Akupunktur
    • Arzneimitteltherapie Arzneimitteltherapie
    • Diätetik Diätetik
    • Diagnostik Diagnostik
    • Klassiker/Philosophie Klassiker/Philosophie
    • Qi Gong/Taiji Qi Gong/Taiji
    • Tuina/Massage Tuina/Massage
    • Wissenschaftl. Untersuchungen Wissenschaftl. Untersuchungen
    • Praktische Kurse mit Übungen Praktische Kurse mit Übungen
    • Videoaufzeichnung Videoaufzeichnung
    • Alle Erfahrungsstufen Alle Erfahrungsstufen
    • Einsteiger:in Einsteiger:in
    • Fortgeschritten Fortgeschritten
    • Ausgebucht Ausgebucht


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    Sieglinde Wilz, Ruthild Schulze


    Nora Giese, Ursula Ritz, Christophe Mohr


    Susanne Lindenthal, Antje Styskal

    Westliche Kräuter

    Birte Hinz


    Christiane Tetling

    Qi Gong

    Michael Plötz, Sabine Goldmann


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