An in depth discussion on how trauma affects fertility from a modern and classic perspective
Keren Sela (IL)This lecture has its roots in trauma. It was born October 7th, a day of acute, collective, national trauma, and has been evolving ever since.
As a Chinese practitioner specializing in woman’s health, I have had the unfortunate opportunity to see, feel and hear the effects of acute trauma on women’s mind, spirit and body. In this lecture, I would like to share some of my and my colleague’s insights and observations that I believe are valuable for practitioners working with traumatized women all over the world. As a practitioner trained in the classics, but also holding a bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences, this observation will be done through the lens of the Shang Han Lun and (a bit of) modern science.
What will we discuss?
• Shang Han Lun (SHL) physiology in a nutshell
• SHL women’s physiology and fertility
• What is trauma from this classical viewpoint and how does it impact fertility
• Fu Qing Zhu, trauma, Shen and the Bao Mai
• Fight, Flight, Freeze or Feed and Breed
• Treatment strategies and practical things I learned in the clinic
o Acupuncture
o Herbs
o Moxa
• 2 ongoing relevant case studies
Ren 1- ein oft vergessener Schatz in der Behandlung
Kirsten Kuhlmann (DE)Ren 1- ein oft vergessener Schatz in der Behandlung
Kirsten Kuhlmann (DE)