For this full-day session/workshop, a discussion on the treatment of depression from the perspective of Applied Channel Theory will be discussed.
The normal physiology or qi transformation of the six levels will be presented. Emotional/psychological disorders, such as depression, cause disharmony to the normal physiology of the channels. A focus will be on the effect of emotional constraint (郁yù) on the qi dynamic of the channels. The goal of the workshop will be to discuss how to best determine which channel(s) is being affected by depression, through an analysis of symptom pattern differentiation and findings from channel examination. Finally, methods to help the affected channel(s) regain harmony will be discussed, with an emphasis on common point pairs.
Clinical cases from Wang Ju-Yi’s soon to be published book Applied Channel Theory Clinical Case Studies will be presented.
Applied Channel Theory (經絡醫學jīng luò yī xué) is an approach developed by Dr. Wang Ju-Yi that is rooted in the dual research threads of classical texts and modern clinical application. It involves the rigorous combination of channel theory and diagnostic technique. More precisely, Applied Channel Theory requires that examination of acupuncture channels be considered in the broader context of other diagnostic tools.
1) An overview of channel theory will be presented, with a focus on the physiology of the six levels (tai yin, shao yin, jue yin, tai yang, shao yang and yang ming).
2) A description of the pathology of depression according to channel theory, with a presentation of how the pathology of depression can affect different channels. As a result, different physical symptom patterns can emerge. Common abnormal channel changes found upon channel examination will be discussed.
3) A discussion on the typical treatment approach to treating depression, with common point pairs presented.
4) Clinical cases from Dr. Wang Ju-Yi’s book on Applied Channel Theory Clinical Case Studies will be presented.
Hands-on Practice:
1) The location of the points discussed during the lecture will be demonstrated. Participants will practice palpating for the location of these points.
2) Channel palpation will be demonstrated on the three yin channels, with common channel changes discussed. Time will be set aside for students to practice palpation of these six yin channels.
Interview with Jonathan Chang and Lucia Deyi
Jonathan Chang (CN)EN