The NADA Protocol
The NADA protocol consists of the insertion of five small, fine, sterile stainless steel needles under the surface of the skin on specific sites in the outer ear. These five points are standard points which control withdrawal symptoms and help patients become more clear-headed and comfortable, making them more ready and willing to go through talk therapy. During treatment, recipients of the NADA protocol sit quietly in groups for 30-45 minutes, relaxing. The NADA Protocol is most effective when used in combination with other treatment modalities such as counseling, self –help/support groups, etc. enhances treatment effectiveness.
In addiction cases, the NADA protocol has been shown to significantly decrease:
• Craving for alcohol
• Withdrawal symptoms from drugs
• Relapse
• Inpatient detoxification admissions
• Anxiety, insomnia, and agitation
Acupuncture treatment for substance misuse has been shown to be clinically effective, cost efficient, drug-free, and compatible across cultures.
NADA Philippines continues to build knowledge of treatment experiences in a local setting. Recipients of the NADA protocol include: drug and alcohol dependents, the elderly, people with disabilities, children with special needs, and survivors of natural and man-made disaster.
The NADA protocol is now widely used for survivors of natural and man-made disasters.
Sieglinde Wilz, a German NADA trainer will assist in the course. Questions can also be asked in German.