Eine Veranstaltung des Fachverbands für Chinesische Medizin
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
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Claus Sørensen (DK)

Diese/r Vortragende hält im aktuellen Kongressjahr keine Vorträge.

Claus Sørensen

Claus Sørensen originally trained as a reflexologist in 1997 and then moved on to study Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, UK, headed by John and Angela Hicks and Peter Mole, from which he graduated in 2002. Two years later he got the opportunity to attend a degree topup course earning him a university degree; the first Dane to achieve a degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. His dissertation looked into overgrowth of candida yeast infection and how it could be diagnosed with Tongue Diagnosis and Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis. 
Since 2004 he has used what in Europe is known as the Shen-Hammer Pulse System as his main diagnostic tool. He has taken several intensive seminars with his pulsecolleagues Sybill Huessen and Scott Tower in Europe. In 2011 he attended an advanced intensive seminar with Dr. Leon Hammer, and in 2012 he was the first scandinavian to become fully certified as an CCPD instructor. He is now a Senior Instructor. 
Claus has integrated the pulsesystem into the acupuncture training program at Nordisk Akupunkturuddannelse, Denmark. It’s the only acupuncture program in Denmark that has incorporated this pulse system into the curriculum to this extend.
Claus is also a fully trained chinese herbalist from the Southern College of Chinese Medicine, Lund in Sweden. Claus is also a student of Sharon Weizenbaum and graduated from her Graduate Mentorship Programme in 2021 (Classical Chinese Medicine principals and Classical herbal formulas), and has accepted to function as Teaching Assistant in upcoming GMP’s. 
Claus has taught the Shen-Hammer pulse system around Europe (France, Sweden, England, Germany, Switzerland and Denmark) for several years. 
Besides from teaching Claus runs a busy clinic in the Copenhagen area.
For more information you can contact Claus by phone (Denmark) +45 2965 1324 or by email at claus@dragonrises.dk. You are welcome to visit www.dragonrises.eu and/or his website: www.dragonrises.dk. or via the facebook site Dragon Rises Denmark.


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