Eine Veranstaltung des Fachverbands für Chinesische Medizin
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
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Dr. Denmei Shudo (JP)

Diese/r Vortragende hält im aktuellen Kongressjahr keine Vorträge.

Denmei Shudo

Acupuncture License #372 issued in Osaka Prefecture 12-31-1948

Moxibustion License # 339 issued in Osaka Prefecture 12-31-1948

Apprenticed 3 yrs under acupuncture and moxibustion practitioner Miura Nagahiko

Opened his own practice in Ohita City in 1959.

Served 4 terms (8yrs) as the chairman of the Ohita Prefecture Acupuncture Association

Served 1 term (2yrs) as vice-chairman of the All Japan Acupuncture Association

Board member of for 7 terms (14yrs) of the All Japan Acupuncture Association

Member of the Meridian Therapy Association for 41 years

Instructor at Meridian Therapy Association Summer Seminars for 33 years

Served as as the chairman of the Traditional Acupuncture Society for 8 years

Head of the local acupuncturist study group Gensai Jyuku for 24 years

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