Eine Veranstaltung des Fachverbands für Chinesische Medizin
55. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2024
55. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2024
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Felip Caudet (ES)

Felip Caudet

Felip Caudet has been in practice first as acupuncturist and after as physiotherapist since 1999 and specialises in Japanese moxibustion. He stopped needling practice to do only moxibustion in 2012. He studied with the masters Tetsuya Fukushima and Hideo Shinma (son of Master Fukaya). Currently, Felip is recognised in the line of transmission of Fukaya Style of Moxibustion due to his developments and contributions to the style.
He also developed a revolutionary moxibustion method called Kinseikyu method (Balance Posture with Moxibustion). He has published several books in Spanish, some translated to other languages, on moxibustion and articles in international journals as the North American Journal of Oriental Medicine or Osaka Shinkyu Journal. Nowadays he combines his clinical activity in Spain with teaching around the world (Japan, Brazil, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, UK, Denmark, Italy, Portugal).

Kurse von Felip Caudet


Kinseikyu: Posture Balance with Moxibustion

A new way of understanding the body

Felip Caudet (ES)Felip Caudet (ES)EN
    Dienstag, 07.05.2024
    09:00-12:30, 15:00-18:00 Hessingsaal - Wildbad
    • Akupunktur
    • Diagnostik
    • Tuina/Massage
    • Alle Erfahrungsstufen

    Kinseikyu: Posture Balance with Moxibustion (Practice Day)

    A new way of understanding the body

    Felip Caudet (ES)Felip Caudet (ES)EN
      Mittwoch, 08.05.2024
      09:00-12:30, 15:00-18:30 Hessingsaal - Wildbad
      • Akupunktur
      • Tuina/Massage
      • Diagnostik
      • Alle Erfahrungsstufen
      • Praktische Kurse mit Übungen

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