Eine Veranstaltung des Fachverbands für Chinesische Medizin
55. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2024
55. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2024
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Gil Barzilay (IL)

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Gil Barzilay

Gil has a Diploma in Chinese Medicine (Dipl. CM, I.A.TCM) with distinction from Broshim College of Integrative Medicine, where he studied both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. In addition, he completed "Chinese & Macrobiotics Nutrition (TEF Method)" with Eyal Shpringer and is currently studying Kiiko Matsumoto-Style Japanese Acupuncture.

Gil works in his clinic in central Tel Aviv and in "Refuot", one of the Israel’s leading CAM clinics. He teaches “Research in Chinese Medicine" for 3rd and 4th Year students in Broshim College, as well as abroad in Denmark, Poland, Ireland, Finland and USA thus far. Gil is part of the International Community of Chinese Medicine (ICCM) Team and Evidence Based Acupuncture (EBA) Team. He writes regularly research reviews & newsletters (Facebook: drgiltcm).

Gil has a B.Sc (Honors) from Imperial College, University of London, a Ph.D from Oxford University in Cancer Research and a European Medical Biology Organization (EMBO) Post-Doctoral fellowship at the Weizmann Institute. He has 11 peer-reviewed publications.

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Lian Chinaherb B.V.
Zieten Apotheke