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2002-present • Author & Writer
Author of several articles and the best selling book Fix Your Mood With Food.
2001- Present • Educator
Universität Witten/Herdecke, Emperor’s College, AOMA, Swedish Institute, Bastyr University, Jivamukti Yoga, Whole Foods
Guest lecturer on a variety of topics, including Marketing and Branding in the 21st Century, Gynecology, Nutrition & Mental Health, Psychology,Weight Loss
2001-present • Chinese Medicine, Herbs, Nutrition
Owner of clinic in Santa Monica, performing acupuncture, herbal medicine,
massage, nutrition, cupping, nutritional & lifestyle counseling, guided meditation, essential oil application, stress management, and qi gong exercises.
2001 Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine M.S. Summa cum Laude Degree includes acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and nutrition
1993 University of Maryland B.A. German Literature and Russian Linguistics Magna cum Laude