Eine Veranstaltung des Fachverbands für Chinesische Medizin
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
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Prof. Jun Wang (CN)

Diese/r Vortragende hält im aktuellen Kongressjahr keine Vorträge.

Jun Wang

Earned Master Degree and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture from reputable traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, Dr. Jiping Zhao and Dr. Shuzhong Gao.

Worked in Bad Koetzting TCM clinic, Germany as acupuncture doctor since 2007-2009. Currently working as a chief physician of acupuncture department at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM)-affiliated Dong Zhi Men Hospital, committee member of China Association of Clinical Acupuncture, standing committee member of the Youth Council, committee member of Intradermal Needle Branch, vice president of Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine, director of Beijing Institute of Clinical Acupuncture Branch, secretary of Beijing institute of acupuncture acupoints branch, committee member of Society of Gerontology Health, executive member of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine-External Treatment Method, committee member of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine-Preventive Medicine, director of Beijing DongCheng District Chinese Medicine association.

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