Eine Veranstaltung des Fachverbands für Chinesische Medizin
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
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Naava Carman (GB)

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Naava Carman

Naava Carman has been in specialist practice for 24 years and spends most of her time working with tricky multi-faceted Reproductive Immunology issues in people over 40 such as recurrent miscarriage, unexplained infertility and multiple failed ART cycles, and supporting diverse folks in bigger and trans bodies on their reproductive journeys. When she isn't practicing, Naava spends time Mentoring and running business Masterminds for practitioners, and runs the Fertility Support Trained Community. You can check out her training on www.fertilitysupport.training which houses The Advanced Level Diploma in Fertility Acupuncture. This is the most comprehensive post-graduate integrated medicine course available in this field and is designed to help Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners gain an in-depth understanding of some of the most complex areas issues in fertility, such as the role of the immune system and how Traditional Chinese Medicine can support artificial reproductive techniques like IVF, IUI and ICSI. 


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