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Professor Zhang Qi, Ph.D. tutor of Chengdu University of TCM, has been involving in TCM clinical practice and teaching for more than 30 years. Due to her contribution, she was honored as "Sichuan provincial famour TCM doctor" and "Teaching star of Chengdu University of TCM". Pro. Zhang specializes in applying Zhang Zhongjing's prescriptions for cough and asthma, sweating, insomnia, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, leukorrhagia, menopausal syndrome, infertility, missed abortion, threatened abortion and et al. Furthermore, Pro. Zhang has undertaken 5 textbooks and 2 reference books for undergraduates and graduates as editor in chief, 4 textbooks for undergraduates and graduates as deputy editor, and publised more than 50 papers in TCM.
Academic Positions:
(1) Leader, the key discipline"Jin Qui Yao Lv" sponsored by the state administration of TCM;
(2) Director, the sixth Zhongjing theory committee sponsored by Sichuan provincial society of TCM.