Eine Veranstaltung des Fachverbands für Chinesische Medizin
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
56. TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2025
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Qian Zeng (CN)

Diese/r Vortragende hält im aktuellen Kongressjahr keine Vorträge.

Qian Zeng

Prof. Zeng Qian

Chief physician of gynecological department in Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Professor and doctoral supervisor

The third group of excellent TCM clinical talents in the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine

The famous TCM doctor in Sichuan province

The academic and technical leaders in sichuan province

The first group of excellent young and middle-aged TCM doctor in sichuan province


The standing committee member of gynecology branch of China Chinese Medicine Association

The executive director of the gynecology special committee of the world TCM federation)

The executive director of the reproductive medicine special committee of the world TCM federation

The executive director of the gynecology branch of China association of TCM information

The standing committee member of department of obstetrics-gynecology and assisted reproduction, China association of TCM advancement

The vice-chairmen of reproductive health branch of preventive medicine association in Sichuan province

The vice-chairmen of gynecology department of Chinese medical association in Sichuan province

The vice-chairmen of gynecology department of integrated association of Traditional and Western Medicine in Sichuan province


TCM prevention and treatment on gynecological intractable diseases, such as infertility, IVF treatment and nursing with Chinese herbs, Early threatened abortion, recurrent spontaneous abortion, Intractable dysmenorrheal, etc


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