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Susan Johnson graduated from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco, California, and was licensed, in 1984. She was the primary student of Dr. Miriam Lee and together they traveled to Hefei, China, in 1987, to study bleeding techniques with Dr. Wang Xiu Zhen. Susan studied Master Tung’s Magic Points with both Dr. Lee and Dr. Wei-Chieh Young.
Susan practiced acupuncture in San Francisco until 1988, specializing in the treatment of HIV and AIDS. Through this experience she learned how to treat difficult and complex disorders such as Kaposi’s sarcoma, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), Candida, cancer, and the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Since 1988, she has maintained an acupuncture practice in Santa Cruz, California, specializing in difficult and challenging cases.
Susan Johnson, L.Ac. guest lectures worldwide, writes articles and produces webinars and tutorial DVDs on Master Tung’s Points and the Ancient Art of Cupping. Susan continues to work on innovative ways to share Master Tung’s Magic Points with a global audience, making this incredible system available to as many people as possible.