Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Contact Persons

Do you have any questions or require personal assistance? Your TCM Kongress Rothenburg team is always available for you. Please find your right contact person below.

Julia Stier

Julia Stier

Congress Chairwoman
E-mail: stier(at)

Dr. Martina Bögel-Witt

Dr. Martina Bögel-Witt

President of the AGTCM
E-mail: boegel-witt(at)

Velia Wortman

Velia Wortman

Medical Director/ Programme Committee
E-mail: wortman(at)

Tamara Bähr

Tamara Bähr

Registration Office
event lab. GmbH
Richard-Lehmann-Str. 12
04275 Leipzig
Phone: +49 (0)341 308 884-89
E-mail: teilnehmer(at)

Josephine Heidrich

Josephine Heidrich

Registration Office
event lab. GmbH
Richard-Lehmann-Str. 12
04275 Leipzig
Phone: +49 (0)341 308884-78
E-mail: teilnehmer(at)

Pia Götz

Pia Götz

Speaker Management
Tel.: +49 (0)1632684621
E-mail: goetz(at)

André Störmer

André Störmer

Management of Sponsorship, Exhibition, Advertisements
(event lab. GmbH)
Tel: +49 (0) 341 30 88 84-80
E-mail: sponsoring(at)

Lucia Deyi

Lucia Deyi

Assistance Congress Management
E-mail: deyi(at)

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