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  • 54th TCM Kongress Rothenburg: Finally in person again in May - Congress theme “Stress and Frustration“ – Large number of participants expected

54th TCM Kongress Rothenburg: Finally in person again in May Congress theme “Stress and Frustration“ – Large number of participants expected

Berlin, 15 February 2023 – This year the 54th TCM Kongress Rothenburg will take place in person in Rothenburg o.d. Tauber after three years as an online event. The congress programme is available and participant registration is open. The event organizer, AGTCM, the professional association for Chinese Medicine, has already seen a lot of interest and expects that a large number of participants from around the world will visit this year’s congress.

“Contact, communication and personal interaction are more important than ever for our guests,“ said Congress Director Julia Stier. “It seems there is a great need after the COVID years. At the congress we want to satisfy that need, so we offer again an extensive and varied programme in all Traditional Chinese Medicine subjects, many of which are covered in practical workshops and courses.” Participants can practice, among other things, point localization, pulse diagnosis, palpation, ear acupuncture, trauma therapy and micro acupuncture.  

The theme of the congress “Correspondences of the Wood Phase – Awakening and Creativity, Frustration and Stress – Effects on Body and Soul” will be taken up in many workshops, courses, theme days and lectures. Some of them are acupuncture-based trauma therapy, treatment of outcomes in post-traumatic children, ear acupuncture against stress, anxiety and trauma, anger in the Taoism view, using acupuncture to aid recovery from cancer treatment, and acupuncture and dietetics for disharmonies of the gut-brain axis.  

Some full-day events are devoted to topics such as treatment of long COVID with TCM, fertility treatment and the question of why eating makes us happy.  

The congress opening ceremony takes place this year not on Ascension Day, but on the preceding Tuesday, the first day of the congress, with brief lectures by internationally known TCM experts. “We invite all TCM therapists and interested persons to the meeting of our large international congress family,” said Ms. Stier. “It’s worthwhile!“

The congress programme is now on the TCM Kongress website and is available for downloading here as a PDF (72 pages). Registration is open and there’s a 20% discount for early registrations made by 1 March.

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