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  • A look back at the 54th TCM Kongress Rothenburg – at last in person again - Top continuing education and intense networking

A look back at the 54th TCM Kongress Rothenburg – at last in person again - Top continuing education and intense networking

Berlin, 31 May 2023 – After five packed days, the 54th TCM Kongress Rothenburg came to an end, leaving behind enthusiastic and satisfied participants. Altogether 728 persons from 31 countries found their way to Rothenburg ob der Tauber. They took part in 100 concurrent full-day continuing education events featuring presentations by 90 internationally known speakers from Chinese and integrative medicine and sinology.  

The first-rate congress programme offered something for everyone. There were events for all therapeutic areas at which renowned German and international speakers shared their expertise. Participants who wanted to take a look at something new could visit calligraphy or Feng-Shui workshops. Crowds were drawn to the accompanying exhibition filled with a variety of TCM-related products and services.

The practical courses offered in this year’s congress programme were well-received. Participants gave positive feedback on the acupuncture, pulse and palpation courses led by internationally respected speakers, the herb hike through Rothenburg and the calligraphy workshop. 

“Another important part of our congress is always the networking that goes on,“ says AGTCM President Dr. Martina Bögel-Witt. “During the pandemic many people missed the personal contact and info sharing. Now they are happily catching up.“ For that reason this congress offered many informal meetings and events such as the opening ceremony, the International Meeting, the Congress Party and the Fantasic Finale where friends and colleagues from around the world could meet and talk.

“With the number of participants at 728, we have not reached the attendance figures we had before the pandemic,“ says Congress Director and Programme Director Julia Stier. “Some interested people are still very cautious.“ However, she presumes that this year’s congress will prove to be a draw for next year.

The full text of the press release can be found here

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