And frequent pregnancy related complaints
Threatened miscarriage is very common in the first few weeks of pregnancy.
There are various causes of miscarriage, just to mention a few: genetic abnormalities, hormonal imbalances, gestational age, infections, immunological issues, falls and injuries, stress, drugs and stimulants intake, anatomical factors, radiations, exposure to environmental toxins, malnutrition. Most miscarriages happen between 6 and 8 weeks of gestation.
In biomedicine recurrent spontaneous miscarriage (RSM) is defined after the occurrence of three or more miscarriages. RSM is mostly due to genetic or chromosomal issues. Other causes include structural problems with the uterus and hormonal abnormalities. It is an emotionally painful experience for the couples affected.
Can we acumoxa practitioners help to prevent RSM in certain cases? If yes, what does acumoxa do? Acumoxa:
• helps to improve egg quality
• helps to increase the thickness and quality of the endometrial lining
• helps to regulate hormones
• improves uterine blood flow to prevent blood clots
• reduces stress and anxiety which cause a reduced production of progesterone
My presentation focuses on how acumoxa can help treating RSM when there are no genetic abnormalities, and it is based on my clinical experience. It will include discussing diagnoses, treatment strategies, channels, useful acupoints and cases from my practice. In addition, I will discuss diagnosis and acupuncture treatment for a few commonly encountered complaints experienced by women during pregnancy, such as heartburn, low backache and pelvic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, haemorrhoids, etc.
I do not use protocol point combinations but work out point compositions according to each patient’s presentation and needs. My treatment approach has been influenced by Chinese, Japanese and Korean practices and has been built on a long clinical experience.