How to avoid disease in old age
I will look at the great gates of life; 7 and 14 years, when the Shen comes into the body, and menopause (both men and women, the 60 year and 80 year gates when the Shen gradually leaves the body.
At each of these gates there is the chance to change course, to follow the Golden Path (or Destiny) or to stray off the path. At these Gates the health can take a turn for better or worse.
In the morning I will talk about the early years and what it means for bringing up children; how to avoid teenage depression and a life of complicated and fraught relationships, how we, as Chinese medicine practitioners, can help our patients.
In the afternoon I will talk about the later years; how to avoid the degenerative diseases of Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis. I will spend time on the cause and the possible cure of these ‘epidemics’, with a brief glimpse at macular degeneration and prostate problems