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  • Oncology: Tradition and Modernity| The Heart Between Shen and Functional and Organic Pathologies

Oncology: Tradition and Modernity| The Heart Between Shen and Functional and Organic Pathologies EN

Saturday, 11.05.2024
09:30-12:30, 14:00-17:00
    Wildbad - Salon Hornburg
    • Acupuncture
    • Diagnostics
    • Scientific Research
    • Advanced

    Integrated oncology presents an application field of now vast scope, evidence and feedback, thus examining the international bibliography it is easy to see how at the level of the major scientific societies (ASCO, SIO, WHO, NIH) its use is the founding principle of a large number of public facilities where integration with allopathic medicine is carried out.
    In this relation, acupuncturist formulas that find appropriateness and evidence in the use in the Oncology field of Acupuncture will be introduced and taught.
    In fact, the space set aside for this meeting is apt to explain and show classic and innovative treatments (microsystems) that counteract the side effects of chemo and radiotherapy.
    The protocols of traditional Chinese medicine will be explained and the needle infusion modalities will be shown, which at cancer patients present particular characteristics of subjectivity with achievement Fof substantial improvement by placing them side by side with classical therapies; techniques that actually differ from acupuncture practiced for other modalities. Hence of great importance for acupuncture side-by-side with allopathic therapy.
    In addition, consideration will be given to what for Chinese medicine is a great prerequisite in improving Quality of Life in Oncology, which is the application of ancient and modern formulas that by activating multiple neurotransmitters (endorphins, serotonin, dopamine) unquestionably improve patient well-being.
    In fact, the founding principle of Chinese medicine is to strengthen the healthy part, the own immunity so that the patient can counter and curb the pathological part by enhancing psyche and soma.
    Therefore, the application of some protocols proposed both in Chinese and American hospital settings (Beijing Traditional Medicine Training Center of WFAS, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, Anderson Cancer Center of Houston) and in our national settings (Public Outpatient Clinics Tuscany Region) will be made available to the learners who will benefit from the great experience that the speakers have in this field.
    It must be remembered that this seminar is based mainly on practice so as to provide participants with know-how that will serve them in the field of oncology.


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    Lian Chinaherb B.V.
    Zieten Apotheke

    Programme Committee

    Scientific Advisory Board

    Dr. Dr. Dominique Hertzer


    Sieglinde Wilz, Ruthild Schulze


    Nora Giese, Ursula Ritz, Christophe Mohr


    Susanne Lindenthal, Antje Styskal

    Western Herbs

    Birte Hinz


    Christiane Tetling

    Qi Gong

    Michael Plötz, Sabine Goldmann


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