Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Ontake Moxibustion Day 1 EN

Theoretical Models, Palpation, Loading, Lighting and Application

Thursday, 09.05.2024
09:00-12:30, 15:00-18:30
    Mehrzweckhalle room 1
    • Acupuncture
    • Tuina/Massage
    • Diagnostics
    • All levels

    ONTAKE MOXIBUSTION DAY 1: Transform Your Practice with Safe and Effective Moxa Techniques

    Is moxibustion too difficult to apply, too risky, or too smoky? Discover the breakthrough moxa method from Japan that will give you rapid results – safely.

    The course introduces Ontake, a new moxibustion tool revolutionizing the field. A short piece of bamboo, filled with burning moxa wool, is expertly rolled, tapped, and pressed along meridians. The rhythmic application of heat and pressure triggers rapid changes in your patients' body condition and mood.


    • Rapid Results: Experience quick relief for tight muscles, pain, and stress within minutes.
    • Safe Application: Learn a safe and effective moxibustion technique without compromising on patient well-being.
    • Integrative Approach: Developed by British acupuncturist Oran Kivity, the author of Moxa in Motion with the Ontake Method, this approach integrates Japanese acupuncture principles, channel palpation, holographic mappings, and Dr. Manaka’s meridian frequencies, providing a transformative experience for both practitioners and patients.
    • Ontake welcome pack includes one Ontake and one packing rod


    This one-day course blends theory, demonstration, and practice to empower you to:

    • Safely load bamboo with moxa and light it.
    • Systematically palpate the channels, noting significant reactions.
    • Master various techniques like tapping, touching, rolling, and more using heated bamboo.
    • Using a metronome, apply Ontake with Dr Manaka’s meridian frequencies on any part of the body.
    • Administer a whole-body warm bamboo treatment to strengthen the root and trigger the body's healing response.

    Integration: These methods and theoretical models seamlessly integrate into any meridian-based bodywork method, such as acupuncture, shiatsu, and Tuina. While enhancing your practice, this transformative day provides fresh perspectives and equips you with a powerful new clinical tool that your patients will love.

    Day 1 will teach you everything you need to know about loading, lighting and applying Ontake on any part of the body to treat the Root.
    Day 2 is optional and will cover branch treatment including pain relief, symptom relief, contraindications and dosage.


    A course not to be missed! Ontake is easy to learn and a valuable addition to acupuncture. It can achieve rapid success in pain therapy and patients find it very comfortable. The focus is more on channel therapy with palpation. It can be used either as a root or branch treatment. Oran passes on the basic knowledge playfully with a lot of charm, wit and accuracy.

    Oran Kivity’s teaching is very entertaining and easy to understand, so he’s really enjoyable to listen to. He was inspired by numerous teachers, and in just a few sentences he manages to make them relevant.

    Treatment effects are immediately apparent, it’s amazing for practitioner and layperson alike. There was a lot of time to practice the techniques and correct any mistakes. A great, enriching course.

    A recommended course for all Dr Tan practitioners! Oran offers an alternative option to Dr Tan’s approach which achieves rapid results in pain relief without needles.

    Oran’s humour, friendly manner, and long experience of using Ontake made this course a big win for me.


    More classes with Oran Kivity


    Ontake Moxibustion Day 2

    Effective Moxa Techniques to Treat the Branch

    Oran Kivity (TW)Oran Kivity (TW)EN
      Friday, 10.05.2024
      09:00-12:30, 15:00-18:00 Mehrzweckhalle room 1
      • Acupuncture
      • Tuina/Massage
      • Diagnostics
      • All levels
      • Hands-on with practical exercises


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      Christiane Tetling

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      Michael Plötz, Sabine Goldmann


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