A Unique Technique and its Relevance for Herbs & Acupuncture
Pulse diagnose is an objective part among four diagnoses, usually it provides many significant information about the patient. The classical way of pulse diagnose contains 28 sick pulses and 10 strange pulses, they’re difficult to learn and distinguish, even masters make mistakes. Besides, 38 pulses are still far not enough to demonstrate all pulses we seen in clinics. As a result, people emphasized recognizing the pulse type, ignored the true purpose of pulse diagnose, which is to measure the excess & deficiency of Qi & blood on every organ.
On the basis of classical ways, the Up-Down pulse diagnose, invented by TCM master Fu in Sichuan, is an unique pulse diagnose technique, it could check six pulse positions in short time, and separately evaluate Qi & blood situations of each organ. To briefly illustrate the technique, when checking one pulse position, press the nearest position simultaneously, and feel the change of the one being checked. If the pulse became stronger, it’s called up, means excess, and weaker for deficiency, called down. When the situation of Qi & blood is evaluated on every single organ, it would be easier to make the therapy principles, for both herbs and acupuncture.
Along the history of TCM, for the treatment of respiratory & digestive diseases, there are lots of effective formulas. While treating one particular patient, for different general constitutions and pathological conditions of every individual, classical formulas should be modified accordingly. Using the Up-Down pulse diagnose, the excess or deficiency of every organ could be identified, these are essential references for choosing formulas and herbs, acupoints and needle techniques.
In the lecture, the working mechanism of Up-Down pulse diagnose would be firstly introduced, then the manipulation would be illustrated, as well as practice on self and others. Six pulse positions are separately checked, so there would be different combinations, for the common seen situations, their clinical meanings and related pattern differentiation will be discussed. Afterwards, for particular disease of respiratory & digestive systems, like cough, asthma, rhinitis, gastritis, enteritis, etc., classical and highly efficient herbal formulas and acupuncture protocols would be introduced and analysed, besides, their clinical use, especially the modifying ways according to Up-Down pulse diagnose, will be fully expounded.