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Bart Wintjes (NL)

Bart Wintjes

Bart Wintjes started out as a physiotherapist but enrolled in acupuncture studies in the early 90 ties at the Anglo Dutch College in the Netherlands. He continued to study Chinese herbal medicine under Ted Kaptchuk in the 90 ties. Later on he studied different styles of Japanese acupuncture, including Manaka and Toyohari, under Stephen Birch and Japanese masters like Yanagista Sensei and Takai Sensei. He also proceeded his herbal studies with Peter Holmes and Volker Scheid in the more recent years. From 2010 he studied Engaging Vitality with Charles Chace, Dan Bensky and Marguerite Dinkins. He also studied with Osteopaths in the Netherlands deepening his understanding of the body. Since 2015 he has been teaching Engaging Vitality in the Netherlands and Europe. He has a profound ability to feel and his way to demonstrate Engaging Vitality to a larger audience is unique. He runs a busy practice in the Northern part of Holland.

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