Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Claude Diolosa (FR)

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Claude Diolosa is a well-known and reputable specialist in TCM and an Eastern martial arts teacher. He is French but he practiced medicine in Germany recently returning to work and settle in France. He lectures TCM, organizing postgraduate courses for doctors, practitionersand therapists in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Poland, Czech and Slovac Republics.


His in-depth knowledge and a speaker's talent contributed to his important professional position.


He studied TCM at l'Universite Europee' de Sinobiologie in Paris and Chengdu University in China. His mentors were reputable masters of Chinese medical clans where the secrets of TCM have been passed on for more than twenty generations.


In accordance with chinese medical ethics he continues his professional development through further studies in Chengdu, China.


Claude Diolosa combines a high profile of a teacher, therapist, philosopher seeking universal truths and a life tutor aiming to balance the body and the soul. He is ,most of all, an example of a universal mentor figure - a profile so highly valued in modern times.

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