Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Emily Rowe (US)

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Emily Rowe

Emily graduated from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in 2005. After a brief time in the field of Internal Medicine, she became frustrated with the Western approach to illness. She realized that she was being trained to treat the symptoms of disease and its end-stage complications, while failing to address its root cause. Inspired to find a comprehensive and definitive way to heal her patients, she went back to school and completed her Master’s Degree in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in 2008. Dr. Rowe’s practice melds Chinese herbal medicine and therapies (acupuncture, moxibustion, and cupping) with modern Western diagnostic evaluations, nutritional supplementation, dietary and lifestyle modifications. She specializes in treating patients who have exhausted or failed Western medical therapies for chronic conditions, including autoimmune diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, and thyroid disorders. She is an expert in the treatment of acute and chronic pain due to injuries and repetitive stress. Dr. Rowe has worked with numerous professional and amateur athletes to maximize their performance capabilities and speed their recovery following injury and surgery.

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