Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Dr. med. Florian Ploberger (AT)

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Florian Ploberger

Florian is a TCM doctor and Tibetologist. He is an international and interdisciplinary university teacher and has published numerous texts. In addition, he is President of the ÖAGTCM. Florian is commissioned by the Directorate of the Men-Tsee-Khang (Institute for Tibetan Medicine and Astrology in Dharamsala, Northern India) to translate the most important work of Tibetan Medicine (rgyud bzhi).
Florian is also director of the Alliance of Research and Development of Traditional Medicine, Complementary Medicine and Integrative Medicine at Fudan University in Shanghai. In 2019, he was appointed member of the editorial board of the “American Journal of Chinese Medicine”.
Here you will find a short video message and course description from the lecturer:

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