Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Gerd Ohmstede (DE)

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Gerd Ohmstede (DE)

Heilpraktiker practising Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine since 1981.

2017 President ETCMA (European TCM association, 26 member societies of 18 countries representing 14000 practitioners)

Vice President WFAS (World Federation of Acupuncture Societies)

2016 Co-President World Acupuncture Day Organisation at UNESCO, Paris, 2018.

2014-17 Member EC ETCMA, committee advocacy.

2013 Visiting Professor of Chengdu University of TCM, China.

Congress President TCM Kongress Rothenburg

1994 - 2011 Chairman of TCM Kongress Rothenburg, Member EC AGTCM

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