Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Dr. Gerolf Krammer (AT)

Gerolf Krammer

Gerolf is a general practitioner. He studied Chinese Medicine and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in acupuncture at the TCM University Li Shen in Vienna. Jeremy Ross trained him in western medicinal herbs.
He worked for two years as an assistant doctor at the TCM Clinic Bad Kötzting, Germany. He operated a Wahlarztordination with a focus on acupuncture and western herbs according to TCM diagnostics. Gerolf has been working as a general practitioner at the Gänserndorf Medical Day Centre with an oncological day clinic.

Classes with Gerolf Krammer


Thementag Westliche Kräuter

Birte Hinz (DE)Birte Hinz (DE)DE
    Thursday, 29.05.2025
    09:00-12:00, 14:30-17:30
    • Herbal Therapy
    • Scientific Research
    • All levels

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