Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Dr. Ingrid Reuther (DE)

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Ingrid Reuther

My fascination with the ancient, health-promoting medicine has endured since my first encounter with the methods of TCM in 1988. I gave up my work as an anaesthetist in 1992 and transferred my professional activities to my own TCM practice in Bad Neuenahr. The principles of Yangsheng, life care and the art of living were and are my personal guiding principles. Stimulating and promoting people's self-regulation is still very important to me.
Major teachers in Qigong were Prof. Jiao Guorui (Qigong Yangsheng) and Prof. Liu Yafei (Nei Yang Gong).
I did my doctorate in 1997 with the study "Qigong Yangsheng as a complementary therapy for asthma" at the University of Witten/Herdecke.
In addition, I am lecturer of the Medical Society for Qigong Yangsheng e.V.

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