Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Jeremy Ross (GB)

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Jeremy Ross


Jeremy Ross studied biology at the University of Birmingham, specializing in plant physiology and biochemistry. This was followed by the training of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists UK, of which he is a member, and a doctorate in acupuncture from the British College of Acupuncture. In 1988 he completed a two-year training in Chinese herbal medicine with Ted Kaptchuk, followed by further training at the International College in Nanjing, China. After 17 years of clinical practice in Bristol, England, he practiced for 10 years in Seattle, USA, and in 2004 returned back to Bristol. For 25 years, Jeremy Ross has specialized on the integration of Western Herbs, Chinese Medicine, and Phytopharmacology. He is the international leader in this field, and the author of three textbooks on this topic.

He has designed a new system of Diagnosis and Treatment: the 4 Imbalances and 5 Organs, which can be used for acupuncture, Western hers, and Chinese herbs.


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