Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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JulieAnn Nugent-Head (US)

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JulieAnn Nugent-Head

JulieAnn completed her masters degree in Oriental medicine in the United States, and summer internships at Beijing’s Kuanjie Hospital in 2003 & 2004. Interning under skilled clinicians was a drastic contrast to her training in the west, thus JulieAnn moved to China full time to learn Chinese and study under two of Beijing’s most famous traditional practitioners Dr Li Hongxiang (1924-2018) and Dr Chen Tongyun (1922 -).

While continuing to document these scholars, JulieAnn and husband Andrew escaped Beijing’s pollution and moved to the rural tea mountains of Hangzhou, living amongst the farmers of the Dragon Well tea village. While living in Hangzhou, JulieAnn completed her doctorate level medical degree in the Chinese program at Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University.

JulieAnn and Andrew returned to the US in 2014, and are thrilled to call Asheville, NC their forever home. They teach internationally, treat patients at The Alternative Clinic, and have started an organic Chinese tea and herb farm to increase their involvement with medicinal plants.

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