Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Prof. Dr. Livia Kohn (US)

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Livia Kohn, Ph. D., is Professor Emerita of Religion and East Asian Studies at Boston University.

A graduate of Bonn University, Germany, she has spent many years pursuing research on medieval Daoism and Chinese long life practices.

She has written and edited numerous books, taught many classes on Asian religions, and worked on a large variety of related projects. Her books include Taoist Meditation and Longevity Techniques (University of Michigan, 1989), Daoism Handbook (E. Brill, 2000), Cosmos and Community: The Ethical Dimension of Daoism (Three Pines Press, 2004), and Chinese Healing Exercises (University of Hawaii Press, 2008).

Livia Kohn has practiced Taiji quan, Qigong, meditation, and other mystical practices for over twenty years. She is also a certified instructor of Kripalu Yoga and a licensed hypnotist.

She teaches regular workshops on Daoism all over the world and runs international and local conferences on Daoist studies.

She is founding member and executive director of Legacy of Dao, a foundation dedicated to the spread of Daoist knowledge and practices.

She has lived in Japan for a total of ten years and traveled widely in Asia, especially China, Korea, and Thailand. Aside from her native German, she is also fluent in Chinese and Japanese.

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