Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Lorne Brown (CA)

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Lorne Brown B.Sc., CPA, Dr.TCM, FABORM, CHt is the Clinical Director of Acubalance Wellness Centre, and the Founder of Pro D Seminars, and the Integrative Fertility Symposium.

Lorne has postgraduate training in Clinical Hypnosis, Infertility, low level laser therapy (LLLT) and Functional Medicine. He is the first Canadian to be certifies as a Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (

Dr. Brown has successfully integrated his entrepreneurial skills and background as a CPA with his passion for Chinese Medicine establishing a very successful fertility practice ( and pioneering online continuing education through Pro D Seminars ( and as well as the Integrative Fertility Symposium ( for CAM Practitioners worldwide.

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