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Dr. Manfred Kubny, MA
Prof. NUNM Portland (Oregon) USA
born in 1959
=> Sinology, Japanese studies and history of medicine at LMU Munich: Master 1988, doctorate 1994
=> Cultural studies and complementary medicine at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (O): Master 2017
Further education:
=> Health education SKA (1992-1993).
=> Music therapy (H. v. Karajan Foundation, Univ. Hamburg u. EAHA, 2008 - 2010)
=> Lineage holder of the Xingyi Bagua Taiji Quan 形意八卦太極拳 "Taiji Quan der Imagination und Gestalt, geord. n. d. 8 Trigramme" (Taiwan, since 1983).
Areas of expertise:
=> Bazi Suanming 八字算命 "The Life Calculation according to the Eight Characters," which he had learned from local master experts in Taiwan R.O.C. since 1989
=> Reality analysis and strategy formation by Qimen Dunjia 奇門遁甲 "The Mystic Gates and the Hidden Shield."
=> Theory and history of TCM
He wrote several foundational works on traditional Chinese life sciences.