Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Maria Jeskanen (FI)

This speaker has no courses in the current year.

- TCM Acupuncturist with a clinique since 5 years in the Helsinki area (graduated from Akupunkturakademin in Sweden 2011)

- Medical Qigong instructor (graduated 2006) Experience of 10 years arranging health courses and camps with qigong.

- FinnAcu (Finnish acupuncture and chinese medicine association) Chair 2012- 2017 and ETCMA representative.

Started with the Nordic organisations NAAW Nordic acupuncture awarness week from 2015

- SKILL (Roof organisation of chinese medicine with three acupuncuture organisations as members) Board member and vice president 2013-2015

- LKL ( CAM organisation in Finland ) board member 2012-2013

- ETCMA Boardmember, leader of the Advocacy committee 2017-

Former experience 1986-1992 and 2007-2011 in cosmetique companies as head trainer and beauty-therapist, teacher in primary school 1999- 2007.

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