Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Mazin Al-Khafaji (GB)

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Mazin Al-Khafaji

Since completing his studies in Chinese Medicine at the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and graduating as Doctor of Chinese Medicine in 1987, Mazin has been running a very busy clinic which is entirely devoted to three main areas of practice – autoimmune disease, allergic disease and skin disease.
He lectures widely all over the world on these subjects and over the past 16 years has run a complete Dermatology Diploma programme in both Europe & North America ( Other lectures are also available online), all graduates automatically becoming members of the International TCM Dermatology Association (
He has developed the unique Dermatology-M range of topical products and herbal cosmetics from Chinese herbal ingredients to address many common skin disorders (
He is the author of numerous articles and co-author of the international textbook A Manual of Acupuncture.

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