Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Prof. Dr. med. Michael Hammes (DE)

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Michael Hammes

Consultant neurologist, expert in acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Postgraduate studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Beijing University of TCM, PRC 北京中医药大学, learning modern and ancient Chinese language at the Beijing Language and Culture University, PRC 北京语言大学. Learning from several contemporary masters like Yáng Jiǎ-Sān 杨甲三 (acupuncture), Tián Dé-Lù 田德录 (prescriptions) and Shòu Xiǎo-Yún 寿小云 (pulse diagnosis).Education in tui-na-推拿-therapy and medical Qi-Gong 医疗气功. Former board member of ICMART (International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques) and expert in the DIN mirror committee of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) ISO TC249, former co-convener of joint-working groups and member of chairman advisory group. Visiting professor at First Teaching Hospital of University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tianjin, PRC, former lecturer at Harvard Medical School, now lecturing for the University of New England in the Integrated Structural Acupuncture Course for Physicians, guest lecturer at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Member of the executive committee of WFAS.
Founder (2015)  and medical director of the Academy of Ancient Chinese Medicine (AofACCM)
From February 2024: full professorship at the Swiss TCM University, governmentally accredited university institution in Bad Zurzach, Switzerland.

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