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Miguel Cabrer (ES)

This speaker has no courses in the current year.

Miguel Ángel Cabrer Mir

Nac: 08.11.1961, Palma de Mallorca (España)

DNI: 430 024 41 F

Tel:933 297 277 / 605 507 930


Miguel Angel Cabrer Mir is an acupuncturist and instructor of Tai Chi Chuan and Yi Chuan. He practises acupuncture with Japanese focus and is a member of the Toyohari Association (Toyohari is a style of acupuncture which emphasises sensitive touch and needling).

He lives and works in Barcelona, Spain


Professional experience- clinical and teaching


Tai Ji Chuan and Qi Gong:

1989-Present: Centre Eix Ample (Barcelona) and Parc Ciutadella (Barcelona)

1989-2010: Intensive courses en Catalunya, Baleares, Canarias

2005-2008: Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

2008: School of Acupuncture CENAC (Barcelona)

2006: Japanese Acupuncture Center (Ámsterdam)

2007: Japanese Acupuncture Center (Ámsterdam)



2004-Present: Organizer and teacher of training courses in Japanese acupunture in Barcelona, Manaka method, Meridian Therapy and Shonishin

2003-Present: Acupunture clinic in Barcelona and Girona






Tai Ji Quan, Qi Gong, Yi Chuan:

2002-2010: Yi Quan.Vancouver (Canadá). Profesor Sam Tam

1985-97: Tai Ji Quan. Profesor: Tew Bunang

1998-99: Tai Ji Quan. Beijing (China). Profesores Shi Ming, Víctor Shao



2008-09: Toyohari Advanced Studies Program, EBTA, Amsterdam

2006: Postgraduate in Chinese Medicine, CENAC, Acupuncture School Barcelona

2004: Toyohari, Japonese Acupuncture, EBTA, Amsterdam

2001: Acupunture MTC, CENAC, Barcelona





Catalán, castellano e inglés

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