Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Dr. Olivia Pojer (AT)

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Olivia Pojer

Studied medicine at the university of Graz (A), in 2010 established a medical practice for Chinese medicine in Gleisdorf (A). President and course instructor of the OGKA (Austrian Society for Controlled Acupuncture and TCM), Co-organizer of the international TCM congress “TAO” in Graz, lecturer at the medical university of Graz. Teaches and lectures in many European countries, international Congresses speaker on fertility and andrology topics.
Author of the book „Secrets from the chamber of Jade-Treatment of erectile dysfunction and lack of libido with Chinese Medicine“, published by Müller&Steinicke in May 2017. Author of several articles in all relevant CM journals and online blogs.
Holder of an Acupuncture diploma and a diploma for Chinese herbal medicine from the Austrian Medical Association, diploma for further trainings in “Master-Tung acupuncture” by Henry McCann (USA), diploma for “Integrative medicine in assisted reproduction (ART)” by the German association for reproductive medicine, diploma for advanced training in TCM from the universities of Nanjing and Wuhan (China). Fellow of the ABORM (American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine).

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