Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Peter Mayer (TW)

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Dr Mayer has a background in both Western and Chinese Medicine and is working as an Assistant Professor at the School of Chinese Medicine at China Medical University (CMU) Taiwan. Currently he is teaching and doing research and clinical work at CMU.

Dr Mayer studied Medicine and received his doctorial degree from Justus Liebig University (JLU) Giessen. He learned Chinese at Heidelberg University and Sun Yatsen University in Kaohsiung Taiwan and studied one year of Chinese Medicine at Shanghai University of TCM. After finishing his studies at JLU Giessen, Dr Mayer studied Chinese Medicine at CMU Taiwan where he received his bachelor and master degree. He has been working at CMU Taiwan for almost 10 years. At CMU Dr Mayer teaches Chinese Medicine Health Promotion and Taichi to Taiwanese students and is also doing research in this field.

Practicing Chinese martial arts since his childhood Dr Mayer has a real passion for it. He participated in many European as well as Asian tournaments including the World Games in Kaoshiung and has won several gold medals at world cups in Taiwan and Singapore.

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