Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Poney Chiang (CA)

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Poney Chiang


Poney Chiang received a PhD in biomedical research from University of Toronto, followed by a Master’s degree in Chinese Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. He is an adjunct professor and founder of the Integrative Acupuncture Program at York University (Toronto).

He is an expert in peripheral neuro-anatomy of acupoints and their associated neuro-modulation needle techniques. Poney has been invited to lecture at international TCM and biomedical acupuncture symposiums and to conduct workshops in North/South America, Europe, and Australia. His current research interest involves an MRI-based study of acupoints on the scalp and their relationships to cortical functional regions.

His clinical interests are dermatology, pain & neurology.

Poney is currently revising Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture (Ellis & Wiseman) by Paradigm Publication.


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