Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Dr. Qi Wang (CH)

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Qi Wang

Qi Wang has a doctorate in psychiatry and psychotherapy and is a Qi Gong therapist and trainer. She is the founder and director of the Qigong Institute Switzerland (
She has several years of professional experience in internal medicine and has the German additional qualification for acupuncture. Her vision is to promote holistic medicine, i.e. to combine and integrate orthodox medicine, psychology, TCM, Qi Gong, meditation as well as other parts of complementary medicine. Qi Wang focuses on a holistic solution from all aspects to accompany patients holistically and for a fast recovery and to avoid a relapse prophylactically.
Through her professional work she has a lot of experience with the treatment of anxiety disorder and the strengthening of the kidney essence through Qi Gong. Especially during the Corona pandemic, she was able to help many patients with Qi Gong, in many cases even via the internet.

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