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Richard Bertschinger (GB)

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Richard Bertschinger graduated in philosophy (BA) from York University UK in 1971, and thereafter worked in early-years education. After a few stormy summers in Gestalt therapy, he met Gia-fu Feng and began his Chinese work in earnest. Practiced at Stillpoint, in Colorado in the ‘70’s and, following this, qualified in Acupuncture with JR Worsley, also visiting Chengdu College, Sichuan in 1986 – he still remembers the fury in the book-seller when he asked for books on Taoist alchemy! Since then had many published translations: The Yijing: Shamanic Oracle of China, The Secret of Everlasting Life (or Zhouyi Candong Qi), The Golden Needle (Vol. II of The Great Acupuncture and Moxibustion Compendium or Zhenjiu Dacheng); and recently several self-published works on the Tao-te Ching, including The Writings of Lao Tzu, the philosophy of qigong in this Taoist scripture, and Treasuries of the Tao, being the accumulated commentaries of Hoshang Kung and Wang Pi. Worked in general practice for many years, in Yeovil, Somerset also teaching Tai-chi, and qigong, as well as classes on Chinese Philosophy. He blogs infrequently on

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