Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Dr. Robin Saraswati Tiberi (US)

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Robin Saraswati Tiberi

Dr. Robin Saraswati Tiberi has been teaching Chinese medicine for over 15 years. She has most recently launched Nourishing Life, a fertility and longevity institute based on the principles of Yang Sheng: The Ancient Chinese Science of Longevity. She worked as the clinical director of The Fertile Soul, an Oriental medicine fertility program geared to both patients and practitioners. She is one of the founders and main educators of the Clinical Excellence in Fertility Program, an international community of Oriental medicine practitioners dedicated to understanding and practicing integrative fertility treatment. Completing her Master’s degree in 1995, then her doctorate in 2005 she completed a randomized clinical placebo controlled trial involving herbal medicine and menopause. She works as a faculty member in both the masters and doctoral programs at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in the USA, and is a visiting faculty member at Qing Bai Institute in the Netherlands.

Her deep and practical understanding of Chinese Gynecology and her emphasis of Chinese Medicine as an art form make her a popular teacher. Saraswati believes that the first step toward healing is to return to the laws of nature and encourages her patients to begin yang sheng practices in order to enhance fertility. She is currently writing a book about Yang Sheng and Fertility enhancement that weaves together Taoist, Yogic, and Buddhist philosophy as a methodology for healing infertility. Saraswati uses telemedicine to work directly with individual patients worldwide, teaches intensive workshops on the subjects of Gynecology to practitioners of Chinese medicine and Yoga, and she holds patient retreats to help women reclaim and revitalize their health and fertility.

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