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Born in 1960, alternative practitioner in full-time practice since 1988. Studied Chinese Medicine since 1984. Specialized in her practice in the field of fertility/desire to have children, pregnancy support and the treatment of babies and children. Developed the “Wanderung durch den Vorhimmel” (Wandering through Pre-Heaven) – a pregnancy disc, which enables orientation during the 38 weeks of pregnancy according to the Wu XING. Teaches acupuncture throughout Germany and Switzerland, and since 1994 also acupuncture for midwives in many clinics, birth centres, and midwife practices. In 2015, her first children's book was published by Kiener Verlag: “Line und Paul und Akupunktur”. Her second children's book is called: “Ich bin ein Kinderwunsch-Wunschkind” and will be published in summer by Stadelmann-Verlag.