Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Shengyan Grace Tan (US)

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Dr. Shengyan 'Grace' Tan was born in Chengdu, China in to a Traditional Chinese Medicine family. In their family lineage of Tan's, her father and gradfather are both Chinese medicine doctors. By inherited his father's legacy in herabl dietary therapy and herbal preparation , Grace completed her 11 years PhD in TCM at Chengdu University of TCM. Dr. Tan taught TCM in Chengdu University of TCM and worked as a TCM doctor in the teaching hospital of Chengdu University of TCM. In 2011, following several visiting professors invites at institution abroad, Dr. Tan made Austin, Texas her home and became a full-time faculty member and professor at AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine. While the foucus of her education has been on TCM ENT (ear-nose-throat), TCM Ophthalmology (eye) and classic herbal prescription therapy, Dr. Tan always comes back to the root of the classic TCM. Grace has more than 12 years of clinical experience of treating endocrine, auto-immune, neurological, sensory organs disorders and gynecological disorders.

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