Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Prof. Dr. Stefan Englert (DE)

This speaker has no courses in the current year.

General Practioner with emphasis on Chinese Medicine in Ravensburg.


Head of the department of acupuncture and TCM scientific research and training programms at the Dresden International University. Lecturer at the University of Ulm. Since many years trainer in the realm of Chinese herbal medicine.

Member of the examination-committee of the german medical association in Baden-Württemberg.


Author of several publications in the field of TCM and herbal medicine. Founding member of German scientific Society of TCM.


Praxis Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Englert

Marktstr. 8

88212 Ravensburg

Tel: 0049 – 751 – 354 1996

Fax: 0049 – 751 – 354 1997


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